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发布 / 2024-07-22 11:55:13

来自 / 小太阳装修资讯网

2020 日本奥运会开幕了,尽管这是一个令人高兴的时刻,但季节性的高温和意料之外的电力需求意外增加。

为确保温暖的夏季奥运会期间充足的电力供应,关西电力公司(Kansai Electric power)已经重启了额外的发电厂,其中包括本月初重启的已有 44 年历史的机组反应堆,这是日本自今年1月以来重启的第五个核电站


工业部电力供应政策办公室副主任 Yuri Ito 告诉媒体:“我们并不担心夏季的电力供应,因为额外发电厂的重启提高了产能。”






The Japan 2020 Olympic Games kicked off and although the occasion is a joyous one, it’s marked by seasonally hotter temperatures coupled with an unforeseen increase in power demand.

To ensure adequate electricity supply during the warm Summer Games, news sources report that extra power plants have been rebooted by Kansai Electric Power, including a 44-year-old unit reactor earlier this month, the fifth to be restarted in Japan since January.

Japan currently has nine reactors operating, the highest number since the Fukushima nuclear disaster. Additionally, a gas-fired plant and a coal plant have also been brought online ahead of schedule to ensure sufficient power.

Yuri Ito, deputy director at the industry ministry’s office of electricity supply policy, told Reuters: “We are not worried about power supply during the summer as the restarts of extra power plants have boosted capacity.”

Nuclear power is not the only source of energy Japan has turned to. Green hydrogen will be used for the two cauldrons, which will be produced from solar energy in Fukushima province, as well as for the 500 fuel-cell cars supplied by Toyota.

“As climate change impacts our lives more and more, the hydrogen-powered cauldron shines new light on the opportunities for clean energy in Japan and across the planet,” according to the International Olympic Committee website.

One of the buildings at the Olympic village, the Relaxation House, will be fuelled by hydrogen-powered electricity, providing a place where athletes can rest and recharge.

Clearly, Japan wishes to use these Games to showcase its commitment to a climate-friendly and energy-efficient future, but conventional power sources seem to be crucial for a reliable power supply.







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